An Urgent Message For Pre-98 GEPF Members Considering Retiring Or Resigning In The Next 12 Months...

Dear GEPF Member,

If you started government employment before 1998… and you’re planning to leave in the next 12 months… STOP!

The government is NOT telling you everything you need to know about crucial policy changes that will affect YOUR pension on the 1st of September this year (2024) when the ‘Two Pot’ System is introduced.

The last time the GEPF implemented policy changes in November 2022, many pre-98 members contacted me saying they’d lost several hundred thousand to one million rand overnight…

One member reached out to me and reported a loss of over R2 000 000!

This time the losses could be much higher!

That’s why I prepared this important briefing – called a “Masterclass” – EXCLUSIVELY for GEPF members who started work before 1998… who are considering leaving in the next 12 months.

If that’s you, I urge you to lock the door, turn off your phone, and watch this shocking exposé right now.

You can watch it instantly online for the next 48 hours. All you need is a computer or phone and an internet connection.

When you secure your “48 Hour Pass”
to my exclusive Masterclass you will discover:

If you value the money you’ve accumulated in your pension fund over your lifetime of service… and you don't want to make costly mistakes that will affect your financial future… you MUST watch this eye-opening masterclass right now.

Grab Your FREE 48 Hour Pass
On This Page ONLY…

Due to bandwidth issues, I’m limiting the number of people who can view the Masterclass in any 48 hour period, therefore the masterclass is available for you to watch online for the next 48 hours ONLY.

I reserve the right to take the masterclass down at any time without notice.

So register for your FREE 48 Hour Pass now… and discover the truth about GEPF member benefits when you retire or resign in the next 12 months.

Why It's More Crucial Than Ever for Pre-1998 GEPF 
Members to Make the Right Choice: Retire or Resign?

Retirement from GEPF once symbolized security. Now, amid growing concerns of fraud and corruption, even retired members face uncertainties about their pension’s safety. In our revealing video, a retired pensioner shares his fears following an alleged R35 billion fraud within GEPF.

The ‘Two Pot System,’ effective from 1 Sept 2024, introduces new uncertainties. Could this change be a gateway for more funds to go missing?

Considering resignation? This path brings its own complexities. How do you navigate the maze of taxes, market risks, and the alarming possibility of depleting your funds?

Our Masterclass is your beacon of clarity in these turbulent times, designed specifically for pre-1998 GEPF members. We explore the intricacies of both retiring and resigning, providing a clear understanding of the pros and cons for each option.

Don’t let fear dictate your future. Join our Masterclass and embrace the power of informed decision-making. Empower yourself with the knowledge and confidence to choose the best path for your financial stability and peace of mind.

GEPF Two-Pot System

Retirement Wellness SA, F110A, IZULU OFFICE PARK, REY’S PLACE, BALLITO, 4399, South Africa
Authorised Financial Service Provider FSP 31609
Copyright © Retirement Wellness SA

The Retire vs Resign Masterclass DOES NOT provide advice in terms of the General Code of Conduct and therefore you are not afforded the same protections in respect of those additional products or services that may apply in respect of the provision of financial products or services in terms of the Act.

Yes! Please Grant Me FREE Access To 
This Eye-Opening MasterClass Available to Pre-98 GEPF Members For The Next 48 Hours Only!

I understand the masterclass reveals important changes to GEPF member benefits… including startling facts and figures about tax saving opportunities that could be available to me prior to September 1st, 2024… plus pros and cons of resigning vs retiring.

On this basis, please grant me immediate access, before the free recorded masterclass goes away.

Plus receive regular email updates about changes coming to your Government Employee Pension Plan, the new “2-Pot” system that will affect the way the government administers your pension when you retire or resign, and other changes the government won’t openly tell you about.

On this basis, please grant me immediate access, before the free recorded masterclass goes away.